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The purpose of the XLR process is to build a future-proof business.

Guided by a BW Coach, you go through a process that focusses on 4 pillars that have proven crucial in creating a scalable and future-proof business.


If a revenue of €100.000 or higher is achieved in the first year, we consider a marketing and sales strategy successful.


The first scalable and technical version of the product is developed, validated and optimized using customer input.

Operational Excellence

The automation of your proposition is an ongoing process. Pre-conditions to succeed are optimized, resulting in an optimal customer experience while minimizing operational costs.


Your team is ready for growth. We help you find the people with the right skills to ensure an ideal environment for scalability.

BW’s XLR is a program of 10 to 12 months in which we support founding and corporate startup teams in building the foundation of their business.

We provide coaching, tools and methodology that strengthen and scale processes, systems, and technology. In short, we facilitate a growth mindset.

During the XLR, the BW Ventures facilitators ensure a streamlined process. Concretely, this means:


Weekly sessions to go over the latest data and results to define next steps per pillar


Theory sessions tailored to the team’s needs. Most theory sessions are pre-recorded and can be viewed at any time


Brainstorming a partner strategy and providing access to the BW Ventures network


Offer advice to stakeholders, owners, or other interested parties and inform them about the progress the team and the business are making


Inviting experts to join the team or share their knowledge in a guest lecture. Examples of topics for a lecture are: growth hacking, marketing, sales, (expert or non-digital) technology, and HR operational excellence

We start the process with a validated value proposition.



We lay the foundation for the XLR process. We get the team up to speed by preparing them in terms of knowledge, skills, and mindset. The preparations take place before we start building the product, the operation or the team.



During this stage the team starts to build. They set up a sales and marketing funnel. While the product is being shaped and developed, others focus on shaping the organizational and customer experience. Bottom line: the team is being transformed to startup champions.



We focus on the systems and processes that we’ve listed as a precondition to scale. What does that mean? We scale up the sales activities, we make sure you have a continuous cycle of improvement in place for product development, and we automate as much as possible to make sure the process is as efficient as possible. Meanwhile, the team is growing its set of capabilities.

This is the best and fastest way for developing the right product, for the right users, and for the right market.

I cannot stress enough how valuable the BWVenture contribution is in our program at TMC. It has been great learning for us technical people to put the user in the center of the equation. It’s the fastest and most efficient way to ensure you’re developing the right product to target the exact problem of specific users.

Antonio Garcia Rubio — Engineer at TMC
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