Be Like Water: Innovating with Agile Business Models

Be like water: How to create a business model that adapts to your customers' needs and behavior.

Old architecture and new architecture divided diagonally by a line.

The Philosophy of Flexibility: Innovating with the Fluidity of Water

Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher, offered wisdom that transcends the ages, especially in today's fast-paced business environment. His observations about water—its formlessness, its flexibility, and its resilience—provide profound insights into approaches toward innovation.

The Essence of Being Like Water

According to Lao Tzu:

"To be strong, you have to be like water; If there are no obstacles, it flows; If there is an obstacle, it stops; if a dam is broken, then it flows further; If a vessel is a square, then it has a square form; If a vessel is round, then it has a round form. Because water is so soft and flexible, it is the most necessary and the strongest thing."*

This philosophy holds that the true nature of strength lies in adaptability and fluidity rather than rigidity. Applying this principle to innovation, especially within business models, can lead to transformative outcomes.

Innovation and its Challenges

I often encounter teams with groundbreaking plans and ideas. Once they embark on a Design Sprint, they move rapidly from concept to a clickable prototype, ready for scaling and user adoption.

🎉 Traction follows!

However, when it's time to monetize, the waters often become murky. Management and investors start pushing for revenue, and teams are urged to settle on a business model. Here lies the hurdle—while many understand product development, the intricacies of business model validation often pose significant challenges.

Adapting Business Models Like Water

Building a solution that excels isn't confined only to the quality of the product; it involves creating a business model that your customers love. Here are strategies towards fluid business models:
- Do not stick to a singular model if it does not align with customer usage.
- Avoid imposing high prices if the market doesn’t support them.
- Refrain from pushing unnecessary repeat purchases if customers do not require them.

These practices emphasize why a rigid approach to business modelling often fails. Instead, understanding the dynamic needs and behaviors of customers can lead to more sustainable profits and growth.

Beyond Spreadsheet Projections

Excel sheets and projections are tools, not crystal balls. Real insight comes from deep customer engagement:
- Gain insights from actual customer interactions rather than relying solely on quantitative data.
- Learn why customers choose competitor products and what makes or breaks their decisions.
- Evaluate how much time and money customers are willing to invest in solving their problems.

With this knowledge, teams can simulate multiple business scenarios to see which one naturally fits the ‘flow’ of the market.

Testing and Refinement in the PreXLR Program

In our PreXLR innovation program, we emphasize a balanced development of product and business model. Our approach encourages teams not only to innovate but to innovate in ways that directly speak to their market. Remarkably, 78% of teams in the program secured their first paying customers within just three months by following these principles.

Through real-world engagement and iterative testing, businesses can fine-tune their offerings in tune with customer behaviors and preferences—much like water taking the shape of its container.

Conclusion: Embrace Fluidity for Effective Innovation

The wisdom of Lao Tzu reminds us that the most potent form of strength is flexibility. In the realm of innovation, this means allowing your business model to remain as adaptable as water. By consistently aligning your strategies with customer needs and market demands, your business is far more likely to thrive and overcome the obstinate barriers that stifle many others.

Innovating in today’s world calls for a balance between creative ideation and pragmatic business modeling. Embrace the fluidity that comes with understanding and adapting to your market, and watch your innovative efforts bear substantial fruit.

Learn More

To find out more about how these principles can be applied in your team or business, visit our website or get in touch with us today. Let's make your innovation journey as powerful and adaptable as the flow of water.